Skopus Consultants – business services for South African SMMEs

With more than 35 years of experience, Skopus Consultants understands the unique world of our target markets. Our services and solutions are scalable and designed to make sense to you. We focus on South African SMMEs with an annual turnover of up to R 100 million. Services to SMMEs include but are not limited to business plans, strategy development, turnaround interventions and customer service improvement strategies.

Since 2008 Skopus Consultants focused on two market segments:

    • Individuals in need of personal development.
    • SMMEs in need of moving forward

With us, clients are not just a number. We strive to know our clients as individuals. Knowing what “makes you tick” allows us to understand what approach will work best to present solutions to you.

Only three things happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion and underperformance. Everything else required leadership.

Peter Drucker

The 21st century presents many challenges unheard of before. The discourse about the Fourth Industrial Revolution creates many uncertainties. Impacts of pandemics such as COVID, regional wars, and economic downturns all play on the minds of people. Whether we like it or not, in the reality of Business 4.0 we must become:

    • Purpose-driven
    • Adaptable
    • Resilient

That is why Skopus Consultants offer interventions designed to ensure sustainability amid perceived chaos. We will not downplay fear and uncertainties but we will do what we can to help build resilient and future-safe individuals and businesses. Our basic business philosophy is about sense-making. In addition, we can state with confidence that we develop people and businesses to work for what they believe in and to trust the capabilities that we help to unlock.

Meet the team